I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

I’m writing all of this week’s messages a few days early and in anticipation of losing power and not being able to write, so I won’t be writing in real time after Monday. My mind, and the minds of many people around me, are not on the challenges to our faith, but on this impending storm, and so the rest of the messages this week will focus on that, and we will return, hopefully, to regular messages next week. If there is no message on Monday, October 14, it will be because we have no power. If we lose power, we will get the Prayer Team up and running again as soon as we can. We haven’t missed a day in the almost ten years that the Prayer Team has existed, so I pray we will not now either.    

Hurricane Milton will hit some part of Florida at some point today. Millions of people will be affected, some more than others. Please pray for all those who will be affected in some way, and please continue to pray for all of those who are still recovering from Hurricane Helene and who will be recovering for a long time.

I was supposed to be on a plane flying up to the Seminary today. Unfortunately, I won’t be making that trip. Lots of us have had our plans changed today, and some of us may have our lives profoundly changed today. What is not going to change is my faith in God, no matter what happens today. And I pray that it will be the same for you as well.

Someone shared with me a very comforting thought that I would like to share with you, about the three possible outcomes of this hurricane. Outcome number one—all the things we are anxious about will not happen at all, the storm will not affect us. That is one possible outcome. Outcome number two—many of the things we are anxious about will happen, but they won’t be as bad as we thought they would be. And outcome number three—ALL of the things we are anxious about will happen, and maybe even more, BUT, WE WILL GET THROUGH THEM.

My go-to verse in times of anxiety and worry is Philippians 4:13. I’ve written on it several times over the years on the Prayer Team, and as I search for thoughts for comfort, for myself and for others affected by this storm, this is the first verse that comes to mind. I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me is a spiritual mindset that transfers over to secular and material challenges. I know I can’t all things by myself, but I know I can survive all things through Christ. I am encouraged by personal achievement as well as by the support I receive from relationships. However, our personal achievements—a home, business, possessions, etc.—might not survive a storm. Relationships with others might change because of circumstance—they move, we have a falling out, etc. Thus, our anchor cannot be in either material or secular things, or even in relationships. The primary anchor that strengthens us is Christ. Again, I’m strengthened by many things, but when those many things are threatened by a hurricane or some other challenge, I am not without strength. Even the most accomplished and connected of people will have times that they feel alone—it might be the damage from a hurricane, it might be laying alone on a bed in a hospital about to have surgery. In these times, it is important to remember that with Christ, we are never alone, we are never without strength, we are never without hope.

Today will be a day filled with anxiety for many people, and probably me as well. However, into the battle of anxiety and this hurricane, I will take Christ. I will take Him in prayer, in deep breaths, in thoughts of what faith is—showing up even when everything is bad.

While we may feel alone, and actually be alone at times in our life, no one is alone all the time. We all exist in some sort of community—a family, a neighborhood, a workplace, and a church community. In these times of crisis, this is when our communities need to come together is a spirit of unity and cooperation, extending one another patience and grace. So often the light of Christ shines through the actions of others. At a time when our faith will be tested, let us make sure that we bring the light of Christ to those around us.

Lord of the Powers, be with us, for in times of distress, we have no other help but You. Lord of the Powers, have mercy on us.

Have mercy on us, O God, according to Your great mercy, we pray to You, hear us and have mercy.

Again we pray for the protection of our churches and cities, and every city and country, from wrath, famine, earthquake, flood, hurricane, fire, foreign invasion, civil strife, accidental death and acts of terrorism; that our good and loving God will be merciful, gracious and favorable to us, by keeping away all wrath and disaster that is against us.

Again we pray that the our God will hear the voice of the petitions of us sinners and have mercy on us.

Hear us, O God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth; and be gracious, O Master, be gracious to us and have mercy on us. For You are a merciful and loving God, and to You we send up glory, to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Praying for the safety of everyone! We can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us! We’ll get through this—with Him and with one another.